I am a freelance musician with a master's degree in church music. Sticking to my philosophy is that music is "more than notes" I am conducting the the gospel-choir Anatupenda in Taucha. I am also giving piano and brass-instrument lessons. Finally I want to emphasise that I particularily focus on musical education for children.
About Matthias
Im am physicist by training and am currently working at Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ. There I am the responsible scientist for high-resolution scanning electron and helium-ion microscopy at the ProVIS - Centre for Chemical Microscopy. Furthermore, I am a hobby singer-song writer and I am leader of the band Latte Macchiato Revoluzzer.
Ruth Schmidt freischaffende B-Kirchenmusikerin
Chorleitung | Singen mit Kindern | Posaunenchorleitung | Orgel- und Klavierspiel | Instrumentalunterricht